Actually, I was thinking about it right now-the Sun is soon to set...

...Thank you..

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Ah... it's such a lovely time to just watch the colors change... Good night!

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"...blent in one great mass of black..." There's a killer line. Very enjoyable, all of it.

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So glad you liked that one, Wes! Thank you! :)

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Gorgeous ending lines.

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Thank you so much! :)

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Thanks so much!

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Wonderful poem!

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Thank you, Paul--so pleased you enjoyed it!

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This is gorgeous. And i love that use if the word "blent".. its great, i never knew it existed but it is so poetic.

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Thank you! I'm always oddly relieved that readers don't seem to mind when I use those old forms... They're one thing I love about poetry!

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"where minutes range/Their varied hues" the way that sunsets (or sunrises) change from minute to minute, or even in a matter of seconds making each moment unique and unreplicatable, is something I've wanted to express poetically for a while. You've done it masterfully here.

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Thank you so much for the wonderful comment, Thomas (please pardon the very late reply)!

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Bravo! Read, re-read, plan to revisit.

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Many many thanks, Mark! So sorry this reply comes so late!

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