So beautiful. You find exquisite beauty in everything, thanks for sharing it with us.

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Thank you so much, Lynda! It is a place of marvelous beauty. XX

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...it's too beautiful for words

somehow one hears it as a song too

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Many many thanks, dear Chen. I think often the old French forms, such as this, tend to carry that feeling of song. That is my theory anyway! ;-)

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Amy, this is remarkable... thank you for a bittersweet poem in a new-to-me form.

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Thank you very much, Jody! It's a bittersweet place to watch. This is my first-ever virelai, but hopefully not the last...

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Bravo! I've never seen that form before, but you've inspired me to try it. Such a musical, melancholy poem, exquisitely crafted and laid out.

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Thanks so very much, Mark. In the past I've hesitated to try the old French forms such as the virelai--they always look like such a challenge! But I think I'm in love with this one now. I'll look forward to seeing yours!

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I liked the shooting stars outspeeding the swans.

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Thanks so much, Wes--the shooting stars are wonderful to watch here. :)

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