Poetry indeed! 💛🌿

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Isn't it?!! :) I wondered about posting photos on a mostly poetry Stack, but decided... why not?!

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Your Stack, your rules!

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I'll take that!

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Lovely, lovely photography! You captured a bee too.

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Thank you, Tinabeth! The bees have been working all over those flowers; it's a very busy space right now!

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Oh my word, these photos. Like hands reaching out of the dark... incredible.

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I really can't see it any other way myself. The saguaros give such a strong sense of being, in any case.

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Christine, you probably know this, but 'poiema' (from which we get 'poem') is Greek for 'a thing that is made.' Translated in Ephesians 2:10 where Paul says we are God's 'poiema', His workmanship or 'made thing.'

To my mind God also 'poems' the world with His creation, His made things....and those saguara blooms definitely fit the description--only God could create such magnificent flowers.

And oh, your poetic photos capture them well!

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Thank you, Jody! No, I had forgotten that about the derivation. The blooms certainly are marvels of craftsmanship!

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Such great photos. How do the blooms smell?

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Wow! How did you catch that bee like that. These are stunning.

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